David Hicks

Every comedian will tell you that the secret to good comedy is timing. Which explains why David Hicks’ work is so funny. – He’s got timing. Honed during his years as one of Canada’s most renowned commercial editors, he combines a strong sense of rhythm and pacing with a keen eye for casting, a subtle touch with performance, and an artist’s eye for composition, lighting, and set design. David rose to prominence working as an editor on feature films with legendary directors like Norman Jewison and Peter Bogdonavich. He went on to co-found and found leading editorial companies Panic & Bob Editing and School of Editing – both, award winning post houses. David began directing in 2004 and has developed a body of much-lauded commercial work, earning Cannes Lions, Clios, Bessies, and other accolades. From building a working pickup truck out of solid ice (for Canadian Ice), to helming a branded buddy-comedy feature film (for Kokanee beer), David embraces and loves the challenges and opportunities that each new project brings to his doorstep. And when he is not planning, prepping, shooting, or editing – he relishes the challenges and opportunities of being a home-grown master chef. He is as creative and talented with a frying pan as he is in the director’s chair. And we are all better off for it. – Yum.